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THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED  BY KHALED HOSSIENI , BOOK REVIEW.   …10.25pm on a Wednesday night 2 nd of November 2022. That’s the time I start writing the review on “The Mountains echoed by Khaled Hoseini” ……Before I pour out my heart on how I feel on this book, and be Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra dramatic…haha   (something you will get in the book) this review is dedicated to my good friend M.D who is in a different country in West Africa serving his country just as he did while in Kenya. Salaams, I hope this review will inspire you to walk through Khaled Hosseini’s eyes back in 1952 in Afghanistan, through the book The Mountains echoed. If I were to rate this book without comparison to other books written by the same author, I would give it 8/10. Genuinely speaking, the title is a stunner! 10/10. It stirs your emotions. I was expecting the Mountains to actually literally echo! That is how farfetched my imagination is! That’s how high my expectations were! Now the author did
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It’s past midnight, 2am in the night, there is a 1.25 liters soda half drunk on the table and an empty plate; when I finish reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Apart from the whizzing sound from the fridge, the night is silent and very dark. The Christmas weather is aloof so it’s very cold. Despite this, the book I have just finish has some of the darkest parts the night is yet to show the world. Without giving any spoilers I would say I love the ending. The first time it was recommended to me it was by a good friend called Bilha or as she calls herself on Instagram, the Electric lady. This was many moons ago when I had just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by the same author and it tore my heart open, scattered all the pieces and I am yet to find some. I cried so much I have no simile to portray the actual pain I felt reading it. When I wrote a review about it she told me I should look for the Kite Runner, same feeling. I bought it and had it on my shelf for a c


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A review of The Kite Runner by Khaleed Hosseini.

The Kite Runner By Khaleed Hosseini book review by Bilha Lusaka Good Afternoon Reed readers, My Friend Bilha came upon the book, 'The Kite Runner by Khaleed Hosseini and here is her review on it. ................. It’s a cold Friday night,  I get home and start making dinner while listening to Cardi B’s new album ‘invasion of privacy’. Dancing and singing, I find myself laughing at the lyrics, sticking my tongue out to all the men that have silenced women for all these years, to societal double standards, I feel a sense of pride because I have been fortunate enough to have   lived in a generation where women have decided to be unashamedly and unapologetically be themselves, a time when women are finally speaking up and standing up for what we believe in, with Beyonce as our queen haha I digress.  I settle into bed to watch Queen B’s Coachella performance for the third time because this woman is a true legend an icon of our time ,every time I listen to her p

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Chronicles of Kwame

Dear Kwame, I'm not going to start with greetings ,on second thought Ogamba chi!Ayako told me you are learning kiganga . Tell me how that goes.I've been thinking about a lot of stuff one of them being rich ,Kwame, rich in the sense that I can say naiveté instead of stupid.haha I know you'd tell me to go move to France ,good idea I heart but no thanks.or rather I don't have to be rich to say it I just have to sound today i went to the morgue and told him I'm tranna make a reservation, you should've seen how he reacted 😂Oh Kwame it was priceless.  I was only thinking about the Trans Atlantic slave trade,Kwame Europeans sold us weapons to fight each other then we became pawns in cold war.I'm just thinking we have no one to blame for our failures our leaders have turned out to be worse than the colonial governors .Argh!enough! enough about this talk ...I'm hungry .Care to join?           Yours truly, Naakia💜